Introduction to Data Science

Date & Time
2:30 pm - 5:30 pm

CUHK Data Hack 2025 Pre-hackathon Workshop

* Note: this session is open to ALL CUHK community who are interested in knowing more about the coming CUHK Data Hack.

Instructor: Prof. Bernard SUEN, Department of Management, CUHK

The workshop aims to provide an overview of a data cycle through which data can be acquired, cleaned, transformed, and explored to inform the development of predictive and generative models for deployment in the cloud. These models will be used to present relevant findings for addressing the challenges related to the sustainable development goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations as stipulated in the CUHK Data Hack 2025 requirements.

Both coding and no-code/low-code tools will be introduced to facilitate the acquisition of data science concepts and skills for meeting the learning needs of students coming from business, law, humanities, social science, science and engineering backgrounds. After attending the workshop, students can possess the same foundation to participate in subsequent modules designed along two separate tracks, one for coding and the other one for low-code/no-code track, to prepare them for later team formation in the data hackathon.

Venue: Digital Scholarship Lab, G/F, University Library
Registration: Click here to register


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