“Chinese Classic Text Mining and Processing” Workshops (Mar-Apr 2023)
The Library has organized workshops on 3 platforms on OCR Chinese classics materials and text processing. Welcome CUHK community to learn getting and processing textual materials from Chinese classics in a more effective and efficient way to facilitate research and study.
Workshop | Date & Time | Venue | Registration |
The Practice of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Classic Chinese Literature Digitization using GujiCool (古籍酷) Platform
Speakers: Content: Classic Chinese Literatures are the precious cultural heritages spread in the continuous development of Chinese nation and human civilization. In this digital era, the GujiCool Intelligent platform (https://ocr.gj.cool) is aimed to facilitate the spread, protection, development of the cultural heritage of Classic Chinese Literatures using a digital approach, so that we can explore Classic Chinese Literature from new angles and higher dimensions. Nowadays, this approach become more and more fruitful with the help of AI technology, we can witness the human-machine cooperation, integration and synergy in many aspects of research and utilization of Classic Chinese Literatures. Full details of the workshop content can be found in event page. |
23 Mar 2023 (Thu) 2:30-5:30p.m. |
Online | Register |
中央研究院文字辨識與校對系統之發展與應用 (Workshop information in Chinese only)講者: 王祥安博士 台灣中央研究院數位文化中心技術長、歷史語言研究所研究助技師 黃翰隆先生 台灣中央研究院數位文化中心專案經理 內容簡介: 使用者可透過系統上傳文本的影像檔作自動辨識並產生文字。系統也提供人工校對功能,使用者能透過直覺式圖文對照的方式,校正自動辨識的結果,並可將自動辨識或人工校對的結果下載到自己的電腦。 |
13 Apr 2023 (Thu) 2:30-5:30p.m. |
Online | Register |
Text and data mining premodern Chinese texts with ctext.org
Speaker : Content: This hands-on workshop introduces participants to complete text and data mining workflows for materials written in classical Chinese, from digital transcription and annotation of premodern works through to computer-assisted extraction of data from their contents. It consists of four parts:
This workshop does not assume any prior background in digital methods, and requires only a computer with a web browser. Participants are encouraged to create a free account on ctext.org prior to the workshop: https://ctext.org/account.pl and bring own device for hands-on practice. Full details of the workshop can be found in event page. |
21 Apr 2023 (Fri) 2:30-5:30p.m. |
Digital Scholarship Lab, G/F, University Library | Register |
Enquiries: Please email to dslab@lib.cuhk.edu.hk