Refurbishment Project at the New Asia College Ch’ien Mu Library (2015)
Before the refurbishment project in 2015, New Asia College Ch’ien Mu Library (NAL) was short of study and collection space. In recent library surveys users have been requesting for more study space. The book shelves were already full and the library had no space for collection growth. Given this challenging situation, NAL has been refurbished to provide a new Learning Cluster with more study space on the ground floor, more shelving space for collection growth and a new RFID self-issue and return service during summer 2015. To accommodate future growth and after consultation with students, faculty and the Colleges, the philosophy collection was relocated to the United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library (UCL) also on the upper-campus in May 2015. This is the first phase of a longer term renovation of UCL being planned and consulted upon.
New Features & Facilities
- A New Learning Space: Learning Cluster on G/F
The refurbishment project enabled the Library to undertake a spatial reorganization of Ground Floor to improve student study space as well as provide an IT rich environment that support e-learning and collaborative study. The Ground Floor of NAL has been renovated to become a new learning cluster with new reading tables, chairs and sofas. More than 60 seats are provided in the Learning Cluster. It brings together library services, technology and space design to facilitate individual, collaborative and interactive learning. The design also includes opening up the space to the outside world which we believe will enhance the quality of the library spaces. High-height windows let in natural light and offer a visual connection with college greenery of natural grass and trees.
- Compact Shelves for Fine Arts Collection on 2/F
The static shelves on 2/F have been replaced by new compact shelves, which allow for future collection growth and development in the next decade.
- RFID Self Service – To facilitate convenient and speedy check-out of books, the existing self-checkout machine on G/F of NAL has been enhanced with RFID technology. Users can now check out library materials themselves more easily and efficiently. Two RFID enabled book return stations mounted on library’s interior and exterior wall on G/F provide users with self-return service with real-time check-in 24×7.
- Roving Service – Roving services have been launched in NAL, from Monday to Friday, starting from September 7, 2015.
A user survey was conducted from 2- 31 October, 2015 to collect users comments about the new services and facilities of the library. We received very encouraging feedback and will continue to strive for excellence in providing quality and professional library services to our users. Please click here to view the survey result.
Contact Us
Tel: (852) 3943 7655
e-mail: nal@lib.cuhk.edu.hk