- Mr Benjamin MEUNIER
- Ms Bernice CHAN
- Dr Ella FU
- Mr George LI
- Ms Jenny LAM
- Mr John BAHRIJ
- Ms Katherine CHU
- Ms Kendy LAU
- Ms Kitty SIU
- Ms Lai-fong LI
- Mr Leo MA
- Ms Lily KO
- Ms Linda LEE
- Ms Miriam SEEGER
- Ms Monica YOUNG
- Ms Patti CHEUNG
- Mr Ryun LEE
- Ms Sintra Lau Foon TSANG
- Ms Sue FUNG
- Mr Tyler WAN
- Mr Vincent LUM
- Ms Violet YEUNG
Benjamin MEUNIER
Chan, C., & Meunier, B. (2025). Navigating the AI Revolution: Librarian Perspectives in China’s Greater Bay Area. New Review of Academic Librarianship, 1–21.
Meunier, B., Chan, B., Bahrij, J., Ma, L. F. H., Li, L. F., Ko, L. Y., Cheung, P., & Fung, S. M. (2024, July). Diamond Open Access Megajournal Project: Reflections from CUHK Library.
Bernice CHAN
Meunier, B., Chan, B., Bahrij, J., Ma, L. F. H., Li, L. F., Ko, L. Y., Cheung, P., & Fung, S. M. (2024, July). Diamond Open Access Megajournal Project: Reflections from CUHK Library.
Chan, B., Loong, Y. C. W., Stiller, S. H., & Ko, L. Y. (2021). A new hybrid mode for the research poster exhibition for postgraduate students [Poster exhibition]. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
Ella FU
Ko, L. Y., Young, M. W. W., & Fu, E. L. F. (2021, February 21-22). Challenges or opportunities? Supporting teaching and learning under the new normal [Conference Presentation]. 2021 JULAC Libraries Forum, Hong Kong, China.
George LI
Li, K. K. (2024, August 15-17). 香港中文大學圖書館藏馬鑑文書介紹An introduction to Ma Kiam Papers at the CUHK Library [Presentation]. 第二屆近現代文獻整理與學科建設學術研討會 The Second Symposium on Modern Historical Document Collection and Academic Discipline Construction, National Library of China, Beijing, China.
Li, K. K., & Chu, M. Y. (2023, October 17-21). Archiving Hong Kong Literature in the Digital Age: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library Experience [Presentation]. Pacific Rim Research Libraries Alliance (PRRLA) 2023 Meeting, Sun Yat-sen University, Shenzhen, China.
Li, K. K., & Chiu, D. K. W. (2022). A worldwide quantitative review of the iSchools’ archival education. Library Hi Tech, 40(5), 1497-1518.
Ng, T. C. W., Chiu, D. K. W., & Li, K. K. (2022). Motivations of choosing archival studies as major in the iSchools: Viewpoint between two universities across the Pacific Ocean. Library Hi Tech, 40(5), 1483-1496.
Yew, A. C. Y., Chiu, D. K. W., Nakamura, Y., & Li, K. K. (2022). A quantitative review of LIS programs accredited by ALA and CILIP under contemporary technology advancement. Library Hi Tech, 40(6), 1721-1745.
Li, L. F., Chu, M. Y., & Li, K. K. (2021, November 16). 數碼時代的特藏解密:香港中文大學圖書館經驗淺談 Unlocking Special Collections in the Digital Age: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library Experience [Presentation]. 特藏專家系列講座 Talks Series on Special Collections, Online, Fudan University Library, Shanghai, China.
Cheung, C. Y., Chiu, D. K. W., & Li, K. K. (2019). In search of Hong Kong literature in a digital hub: Evaluation of Hong Kong Literature Database from a perspective of researchers. Journal of East Asian Libraries, 2019(169), 29-44.
Jenny LAM
Lam, J. T. Y., & Fung, S. M. (2024, December 6). Advancing Open Science Initiatives in the Digital Era: Challenges and Opportunities Experienced by CUHK Library [Conference Presentation]. 2024 JULAC Libraries Forum, Hong Kong, China.
Meunier, B., Chan, B., Bahrij, J., Ma, L. F. H., Li, L.F., Ko, L. Y., Cheung, P., & Fung, S. M. (2024, July). Diamond Open Access Megajournal Project: Reflections from CUHK Library.
Katherine CHU
Ma, L. F. H., Lee, L. F. Y., Fung, S. M., Chu, K. M. Y., & Yeung, V. Y. L. (2025). New Short Story Dispenser: enhancing community experience and engagement in a sustainable way. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 1–7.
Lee, L. F. Y., Ma, L. F. H., Fung, S. M., & Chu, K. M. Y. (2024, November 5). The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library New Short Story Dispenser: Enhancing Community Experience and Engagement in a Sustainable Way [Poster]. Library Association of Singapore Conference: Libraries for Tomorrow 2024, Singapore.
Meng, Y., Chu, K. M. Y., & Chiu, D.K.W. (2023). The impact of COVID-19 on museums in the digital era: Practices and challenges in Hong Kong. Library Hi Tech, 41(1), 130-151.
Li, K. K., & Chu, K. M. Y. (2023, October 17-21). Archiving Hong Kong Literature in the Digital Age: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library Experience [Presentation]. Pacific Rim Research Libraries Alliance (PRRLA) 2023 Meeting, Sun Yat-sen University, Shenzhen, China.
Li, L. F., Chu, K. M. Y., & Li, K. K. (2021, November 16). 數碼時代的特藏解密:香港中文大學圖書館經驗淺談 Unlocking Special Collections in the Digital Age: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library Experience [Presentation]. 特藏專家系列講座 Talks Series on Special Collections, Online, Fudan University Library, Shanghai, China.
Kendy LAU
Lam, K. T. T., Hung, A. T. W., Lau, K., & Lee, E. K. P. (2024). Effects of elastic therapeutic taping on reducing drooling in children with neurological disorders: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders, 16(1), 68.
Pereira, V. J., Ching, E. S. M., She, J. H.-M., Yu, W. S., Lau, K., Tong, M. C.-F., & Lee, K. Y.-S. (2024). Effect of Age and Gender on Nasalance Across the Lifespan: A Systematic Review. The Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal, 0(0).
Kitty SIU
Lee, R. C. H., & Siu, K. K. Y. (2024, August 29-31). Exploring the potentials of Large Language Model in optimizing Named Entity Recognition and data ingestion for Hong Kong Writers and Artists Biographical Database [Poster Demonstration]. Pacific Neighborhood Consortium 2024 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, Seoul, South Korea.
Wan, T. F. K., Siu, K. K. Y., & Lee, R. C. H. (2023, December 1-3). Finding the hidden gems in CUHK Library’s audio collection: Machine learning as a tool for audio analysis [Conference Presentation]. The 14th International Conference on Digital Archives and Digital Humanities, Tainan, Taiwan.
Siu, K. K. Y. (2023, November 3-5). Beyond OCR: Fostering Chinese OCR technology exchange through Chinese Classic Text OCR Challenge – An initiative by The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library [Conference Presentation]. Pacific Neighborhood Consortium 2023 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, Okinawa, Japan.
Siu, K. K. Y. (2019, July 11-13). An experimental digital scholarship project on “re-mining” An Annotated Bibliography of the Classical Writings of Hong Kong Poets [Conference Presentation]. 2019 International Conference on Library and Information Science, Taipei, Taiwan.
Siu, K. K. Y., & So, D. T. Y. (2019, March 19). (Re-)mining text: An experiment on visualising author network in An Annotated Bibliography of the Classical Writings of Hong Kong Poets [Symposium Presentation]. Digital Scholarship Symposium 2019, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library, Hong Kong, China.
Siu, K. K. Y. (2017, March 31). A collaborative project in opening research data: Archaeological sites mapping in China with GIS [Symposium Presentation]. Digital Scholarship Symposium, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library, Hong Kong, China.
Lai-fong LI
Meunier, B., Chan, B., Bahrij, J., Ma, L. F. H., Li, L. F., Ko, L. Y., Cheung, P., & Fung, S. M. (2024, July). Diamond Open Access Megajournal Project: Reflections from CUHK Library.
Li, L. F., Chu, M. Y., & Li, K. K. (2021, November 16). 數碼時代的特藏解密:香港中文大學圖書館經驗淺談 Unlocking Special Collections in the Digital Age: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library Experience [Presentation]. 特藏專家系列講座 Talks Series on Special Collections, Online, Fudan University Library, Shanghai, China.
Leo MA
Ma, L. F. H., Lee, L. F. Y., Fung, S. M., Chu, K. M. Y., & Yeung, V. Y. L. (2025). New Short Story Dispenser: enhancing community experience and engagement in a sustainable way. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 1–7.
Ma, L. F. H. (2024, November 30). New Short Story Dispenser at the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library, IFLA Asia & Oceania Newsletter.
Lee, L. F. Y., Ma, L. F. H., Fung, S. M., & Chu, K. M. Y. (2024, November 5). The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library New Short Story Dispenser: Enhancing Community Experience and Engagement in a Sustainable Way [Poster]. Library Association of Singapore Conference: Libraries for Tomorrow 2024, Singapore.
Meunier, B., Chan, B., Bahrij, J., Ma, L. F. H., Li, L. F., Ko, L. Y., Cheung, P., & Fung, S. M. (2024, July). Diamond Open Access Megajournal Project: Reflections from CUHK Library.
Ma, L. F. H., Horban, Y., & Skachenko, O. (2022). Enhancing Academic Integrity in Academic Libraries: The Experience in Hong Kong and Ukraine. portal: Libraries and the Academy, 22(4), 797-810.
Ma, L. F. H., & Ko, L. Y. (2022) Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals: The Role of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 48.
Ma, L. F. H., & Ko, L. Y. (2022, December 16). Technology assisted self-learning tool: InfoLit for U [Conference session]. CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2022.
Ma, L. F. H. (2022, December 15). Physical and virtual exhibition spaces in the New Asia College Ch’ien Mu Library [Conference session]. CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2022.
Li, L. K. H., & Ma, L. F. H. (2021). Digital reading lists as a teaching and learning tool for the Divinity School of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 33(2), 126-130.
Ma, L. F. H., Horban, Y., & Skachenko, O. (2021). Information literacy programmes: The experience of research libraries in Hong Kong and Ukraine. Ukrainian Journal on Library and Information Science, 7, 28-41.
Ma, L. F. H., & Mak, L. M. (2021). Hong Kong literary landscape: A MediaWiki for literary reading and writing. In L. M. Bridges, R. Pun, & R. A. Arteaga (Eds.). Wikipedia and Academic Libraries: A Global Project (pp. 248–260). Ann Arbor, MI: Maize Books.
Ma, L. F. H. (2021, October 6). Collaboration within the university community and beyond: The story of the oracle bones in the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library [Conference session]. LAS-PPM Conference 2021.
Ma, L. F. H. (2021, May 6). Revitalizing learning spaces: An environmentally sustainable library project of transforming the United College Wu Chung Library of The Chinese University of Hong Kong [Conference session]. IFLA ENSULIB and Preservation & Conservation Joint Webinar.
Ma, L. F. H. (2021, March 17-19). Creating a virtual library tour during COVID-19 [Conference session]. RLUK21 Conference.
Ma, L. F. H. (2020). Academic library services during COVID-19: The experience of CUHK Library. International Information and Library Review, 52(4), 321-324.
Ma, L. F. H. (2020). Sustainable academic libraries: The experience of organizing a sustainable conference. International Journal of Librarianship, 5(2), 79-88.
Ma, L. F. H., & Wong, M. M. K. (2020). Hong Kong Library Association Mentoring Program: Experience, challenges and opportunities. International Information and Library Review, 52(2), 170-175.
Li, L. K. H., & Ma, L.F. H. (2020, July 30). Online reading list as a teaching & learning tool: The experience of the Divinity School of CUHK [Conference session]. CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2019/20.
Wong, C. W. Y., & Ma, L. F. H. (2020, July 29). Feminist reflection on artwork and exhibition for theological pedagogy [Conference session]. CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2019/20.
Ma, L. F. H. (2020, July 22). Academic library services during COVID-19: The experience of CUHK Library [Paper presentation]. IFLA Academic & Research Libraries Webinar Series.
Ma, L. F. H., & Chan, H. M. Y. (2019). School library services for SEN students: Hong Kong perspectives. International Information and Library Review, 51(1), 78-82.
Ma, L. F. H., & Yu, L. L. (2019). Ubiquitous learning for distance education students: The experience of conducting real-time online library instruction programs through mobile technology. International Journal of Librarianship, 4(1), 93-102.
Yu, T., Chen C. C., Khoo, C., Butdisuwan, S., Ma, L. F. H., Sacchanand, C., & Tuamsuk, K. (2019). Faculty-librarian collaborative culture in the universities of Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand: A comparative study. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 24(1), 97-121.
Ma, L. F. H. (2019, October 26). The application of virtual reality in Chinese language learning: A project-based approach [Conference session]. 9th International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2019), Japan.
Ma, L. F. H., & Ko, L. Y. (2019, September 19). Enhancing information literacy in Hong Kong higher education: The experience of the capacity building programme for academic librarians [Conference session]. LAS Conference 2019, Singapore.
Ma, L. F. H. (2019, August 27). Sustainable academic libraries: The experience of organizing a sustainable conference [Conference session]. IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Special Interest Group of the 85th IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2019, Athens, Greece.
馬輝洪(2019年2月)。〈粵語研究:文獻與推廣──以香港中文大學為例〉。《圖書館理論與實踐》, 232,1-3。
Ma, L. F. H., & Wong, M. M. K. (2018). From local to global: A comparison of Hong Kong Library Association Mentoring Programme and International Librarians Network. International Information and Library Review, 50(2), 170-179.
Ma, L. F. H., & Yu, L. L. (2018). The quality assurance system of HKUSPACE: The implementation of the collaborative programmes on Library and Information Studies of Charles Sturt University. Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association, 67(4), 450-458.
Ma, L. F. H. (2018, December 7). Revitalizing learning spaces: The experience of upper-campus libraries in CUHK [Conference session]. CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2018, Hong Kong, China.
Ma, L. F. H., & Wong, M. M. K. (2018, August 29). Hong Kong Library Association Mentoring Programme: Experience, challenges and opportunities [Conference session]. 84th IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
馬輝洪(2017年9月)。〈圖書館特色館藏如何支持學術研究?── 霍克思文獻述介〉。《福建省圖書館理論與實踐》,151,42-45、58。
Ma, L. F. H. (2017, August 17). Preserving our collective memory: The case of HK magazine [Conference session]. 2017 IFLA News Media Satellite Conference, Dresden, Germany.
Ma, L. F. H. (2017, June 2). Archiving the heritage: The experience of the David Hawkes Papers [Conference session]. Conference on Digital Humanities 2017, Hong Kong, China.
Zheng, J. J., & Ma, L. F. H. (2017, June 2). Enhancing information literacy in learning public and community art [Conference session]. Conference on Digital Humanities 2017, Hong Kong, China.
Lily KO
Meunier, B., Chan, B., Bahrij, J., Ma, L.F.H., Li, L.F., Ko, L. Y., Cheung, P., & Fung, S. M. (2024, July). Diamond Open Access Megajournal Project: Reflections from CUHK Library.
Chan, B., Loong, Y. C. W., Stiller, S. H., & Ko, L. Y. (2021). A new hybrid mode for the research poster exhibition for postgraduate students [Poster exhibition]. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
Ko, L. Y. (2021, July 29). Supporting information and digital literacy under the new normal: CUHK Library’s experience [Conference Presentation]. CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2021, Hong Kong, China.
Ko, L. Y., Young, M. W. W., & Fu, E. L. F. (2021, February 21-22). Challenges or opportunities? Supporting teaching and learning under the new normal [Conference Presentation]. 2021 JULAC Libraries Forum, Hong Kong, China.
Ko, L. Y., & Ma, L. F. H. (2018, December 5). Supporting the United Nations 2030 Agenda: The experience of CUHK Library [Conference session]. 2018 Institute on General Education cum Teacher and Student Conference, Hong Kong, China.
Linda LEE
Ma, L. F. H., Lee, L. F. Y., Fung, S. M., Chu, K. M. Y., & Yeung, V. Y. L. (2025). New Short Story Dispenser: enhancing community experience and engagement in a sustainable way. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 1–7.
Lee, L. F. Y., Ma, L. F. H., Fung, S. M., & Chu, K. M. Y. (2024, November 5). The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library New Short Story Dispenser: Enhancing Community Experience and Engagement in a Sustainable Way [Poster]. Library Association of Singapore Conference: Libraries for Tomorrow 2024, Singapore.
Lee, L. F. Y., & Ng, K. (2015, April 24). JULAC Staff Portal: A Gateway to Lifelong Learning [Presentation]. 2015 JULAC Libraries Forum, Hong Kong, China.
Sidorko, P., & Lee, L. F. Y. (2014). JURA: a collaborative solution to Hong Kong academic libraries storage challenge. Library Management, 35(1/2), 46–68.
Seeger, M. (2024, March 13-14). Once a “Mecca for China Studies” – Sharing insights from the USC Collection’s integration into CUHK Library [Conference presentation]. Crisis vs. Responses. Committee on Chinese Materials (CCM) Special Session. Council on East Asian Libraries Annual Meeting 2024, Seattle, WA.
Seeger, M. (2023, September 6-8). The Universities Service Centre for China Studies Collection – Newspaper Digitization Project [Conference presentation]. 43rd European Association of Sinological Librarians Annual Conference 2023, Paris, France.
Seeger, M. (2023, March 16-19). Universities Service Centre for China Studies Collection at CUHK [Roundtable presentation]. “A Second Kind of Loyalty”: Preserving the Forbidden Memory from China’s Unremembered Past. Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference 2023, Boston, MA.
Monica YOUNG
Ko, L. Y., Young, M. W. W., & Fu, E. L. F. (2021, February 21-22). Challenges or opportunities? Supporting teaching and learning under the new normal [Conference Presentation]. 2021 JULAC Libraries Forum, Hong Kong, China.
Meunier, B., Chan, B., Bahrij, J., Ma, L.F.H., Li, L.F., Ko, L. Y., Cheung, P., & Fung, S. M. (2024, July). Diamond Open Access Megajournal Project: Reflections from CUHK Library.
Ryun LEE
Lee, R. C. H., & Siu, K. K. Y. (2024, August 29-31). Exploring the potentials of Large Language Model in optimizing Named Entity Recognition and data ingestion for Hong Kong Writers and Artists Biographical Database [Poster Demonstration]. Pacific Neighborhood Consortium 2024 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, Seoul, South Korea.
Wan, T. F. K., Siu, K. K. Y., & Lee, R. C. H. (2023, December 1-3). Finding the hidden gems in CUHK Library’s audio collection: Machine learning as a tool for audio analysis [Conference Presentation]. The 14th International Conference on Digital Archives and Digital Humanities, Tainan, Taiwan.
Sintra Lau Foon TSANG
Tsang, L. F. (2019, June 27). Establishment of the University Archives of the Chinese University of Hong Kong [Presentation]. SARBICA International Symposium 2019, Singapore.
Ma, L. F. H., Lee, L. F. Y., Fung, S. M., Chu, K. M. Y., & Yeung, V. Y. L. (2025). New Short Story Dispenser: enhancing community experience and engagement in a sustainable way. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 1–7.
Lam, J.T.Y., & Fung, S. M. (2024, December 6). Advancing Open Science Initiatives in the Digital Era: Challenges and Opportunities Experienced by CUHK Library. [Conference Presentation]. 2024 JULAC Libraries Forum, Hong Kong, China.
Lee, L. F. Y., Ma, L. F. H., Fung, S. M., & Chu, K. M. Y. (2024, November 5). The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library New Short Story Dispenser: Enhancing Community Experience and Engagement in a Sustainable Way (Poster). Library Association of Singapore Conference: Libraries for Tomorrow 2024, Singapore.
Meunier, B., Chan, B., Bahrij, J., Ma, L.F.H., Li, L.F., Ko, L.Y., Cheung, P., & Fung, S. M. (2024, July). Diamond Open Access Megajournal Project: Reflections from CUHK Library.
Tyler WAN
Wan, T. F. K., Siu, K. K. Y., & Lee, R. C. H. (2023, December 1-3). Finding the hidden gems in CUHK Library’s audio collection: Machine learning as a tool for audio analysis [Conference Presentation]. The 14th International Conference on Digital Archives and Digital Humanities, Tainan, Taiwan.
Vincent LUM
Yip, K. F., & Lum, W. Y. (2023, September 15-17). Beyond Images: Data Visualization through Headline Analysis in Historical Newspaper with Computer Vision [Conference session]. 2023 International Joint Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CCVPR 2023), Oxford, United Kingdom.
Lum, W. Y., & YEUNG, K. L. (2023, August 18-20). Photo Album Creation for historical newspaper through computer vision by using ABBYY, VGG model, and Yolov5 [Conference session]. 2023 IEEE 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (PRAI 2023), Haikou, China, 675-680.
Yip, K. F., & Lum, W. Y. (2023, June 19-23). Data Extraction, Visualization, and Storytelling: A Case Study in Headline Analysis on “The Hongkong News” with Deep Learning [Conference session]. Archiving 2023 International Conference, Oslo, Norway, 29-35.
Violet YEUNG
Ma, L. F. H., Lee, L. F. Y., Fung, S. M., Chu, K. M. Y., & Yeung, V. Y. L. (2025). New Short Story Dispenser: enhancing community experience and engagement in a sustainable way. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 1–7.