The New Asia College Library houses collections on Chinese Language and Literature, Japanese Language and Literature and Fine Arts. It supports the research activities as well as the teaching of programmes offered by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature; Department of Japanese Studies and Department of Fine Arts of the University. Special collections include the Ch’ien Mu Collection, New Asia College Collection, Local Art Archive and Art Collection.
The New Asia College Library was first founded on Farm Road, Kowloon in 1954. It was then established in The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1973 and named after Prof. Ch’ien Mu, the founder of the New Asia College. Modeled after the library of Berea College, Kentucky, U.S.A., the building is built with an elevated mezzanine. Another special feature is the display of artworks produced by renowned visiting artists as well as teaching staff and students of the Fine Arts Department.
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Head, New Asia College Ch’ien Mu Library