Multimedia Materials Booking

CUHK library provides booking request service for multimedia materials to CUHK faculty members.

Eligible Requester

  • Teaching staff (Terms A)
  • Teaching staff (Terms B)
  • Research staff

How to Place Booking Request

  1. Log in to your personal account at LibrarySearch.
  2. Find a multimedia item whose status is “item on shelf”, which is available in the library.
  3. Click “Request” button in the item record.
  4. Select “Start Time” and “End Time” of the booking period (Maximum 7 days only).
  5. Click “Request” to confirm the booking request.
  6. A message “Request placed”  will be displayed if the booking request is successful.
  7. A message “No item can fulfill the submitted request” will be displayed if the booking request is not successful.
  8. A Hold Pickup email notice will be sent to you when your booking becomes available.
  9. The request will be cancelled automatically after the booking period.
  10. The requested multimedia item must be picked up from the owning library.

Booking Request Quota and Loan Period

Booking Request Details
Maximum booking quota 10 items
Maximum booking period 7 days
Loan period* Refer to borrowing quota and loan period table
Delivery Time 3 working days

For enquiries, please email to