All borrowers must abide by the borrowing policy of the CUHK Library. Disregard for borrowing policy may result in suspension of borrowing privileges.
Do not lend out your CU Link Card or library card
Your borrowing privileges are not transferable and are subject to suspension if abused. You must not let other people use your CU Link Card or library card. You are responsible for everything checked out under your name.
Respond to recall notices
You will receive a Recall Notice when another borrower needs an item you have checked out. You should observe the new due date mentioned in the Recall Notice. Late return of recalled items will incur a fine at $5/item/day, and the renewal and placing hold activities of users will be affected as well.
Keep your email address up to date
It is the responsibility of the users to report the most up-to-date correspondence. To ensure receiving important notices from the Library without delay, users could add/update their email address after signing in their My Library Record.
Return material when on extended absence
If you are going to be out of Hong Kong or not able to come to the CUHK Library for a while, say for more than 2 weeks, you should return all library items or arrange someone to return them if they are recalled. Even when you are out of Hong Kong, you are responsible for any fines and fees resulting from any late return or unreturned items.
Handle library materials with care
Library materials are important assets to support research, teaching and learning. It is important that you be considerate and handle library materials with care. The followings are ways that you can follow to help prolong the shelf life and sustainability of library materials:
- Handle library materials with clean hands.
- Do not turn down the corners of pages. Use book marks or slips of papers instead to mark your place.
- Do not eat or drink while using library materials. Food attracts insects, and spills cause permanent damage and encourage the growth of mildew.
- Do not tear away pages. You will be fined if you return an item with missing pages. If you find any library item that is damaged or has missing pages, please bring it to the attention of the Service Counter staff.
- Photocopy pages that you need to highlight or make notes on. Do not underline or write in library materials. It’s a lot cheaper than being charged for a replacement of an item.
- Observe the Copyright Ordinance when you make photocopies.