Kindle 电子书阅读器借用服务
为鼓励及支持无纸阅读,图书馆为读者提供Kindle Paperwhite 电子书阅读器借用服务。各Kindle阅读器已分别预载不同种类的电子书,让读者每次借阅七天。
持有效借书证人士 (除联校图书证外) 均可借阅 Kindle 电子书阅读器。
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电子书阅读器型号 Kindle Paperwhite
首次借閱期限 七天
最長借閱期限 十四天
数量 每位读者限借一台Kindle电子书阅读器
Kindle 电子书
各Kindle 电子书阅读器已从通识教育馆藏或好书角下载约一百本电子书,供读者借阅,详情如下:
通识教育特藏 @ Kindle
Ideas And Opinions
A Presocratics Reader
The First Scientist
The Nicomachean Ethics
Metaphysics: A Contemporary Introduction
Metaphysics: A Very Short Introduction
The Meaning Of Life: A Very Short Introduction
Handbook Of Creativity
The Impulse Factor
Free Will: A Guide For The Perplexed
Free Will: A Very Short Introduction
Light From The East
Can You Believe In God And Evolution?
Myth: A Very Short Introduction
Religious Literacy
The Great Transformation
The Greek Myths: Vol.1
The Greek Myths: Vol.2
The Koran
The Meanings Of The Holy Qur’an
The Koran: A Very Short Introduction
The Heart Of Understanding
What The Buddha Taught
The Buddha
The Old Testament
The New Testament As Literature
The Apocryphal Gospels
Biblical Archaeology
Roman Catholicism
Free To Choose
Social Entrepreneurship
The Power Of Unreasonable People
Building Social Business
Doing Good Well
The Four Steps To The Epiphany
Venture Capital Handbook
Representations Of The Intellectual
On liberty
Against intellectual monopoly
What I wish I knew when I was 20
An introduction to international criminal law and procedure
Text and act: essays on music and performance
The beginnings of western science
Reconfiguring the world
The scientific revolution: a very short introduction
The grand titration
What science is and how it works
Philosophy of science: a very short introduction
Philosophy of science: a contemporary introduction
Truth or beauty: science and the quest for order
The first six books of the elements of Euclid
An introduction to international criminal law and procedure
Evolutionary writings
How to read Darwin
The origin of species
The Eighth Day of Creation
The Annotated and Illustrated Double Helix
The design of everyday things
Introduction to public health
My stroke of insight
Darwin’s Origin of species
An introduction to international criminal law and procedure
Good Reads @ Kindle
Can’t We Talk about Something More Pleasant
Capital in the Twenty-First Century
Gone Girl
Hard Choices
Historians Debate the Rise of the West
Inferno: a novel
Mandela’s way
Repositioning the Hong Kong Government
Search Inside Yourself
Still Alice
Talk Like TED
The First Phone Call From Heaven
The Great Convergence
The Power of Habit
The Son Also Rises
Think Like a Freak
1492 : the year the world began
Being George Washington
Bend, not break
Better than normal
Blind to betrayal
Civilization, nation and modernity in East Asia
Daring greatly
George F. Kennan
Honest truth about dishonesty
No higher honor
Out of our minds
Righteous mind
That woman
Thinking, fast and slow
Tree That Bleeds
Wartime journals
Year in Provence
Animals and Public Health
Average is over
A life without limits
Behind the beautiful forevers
First job first paycheck
Forget a mentor
Going to extremes
How to deliver a TED talk
Lean In: women work and the will to lead
Making yourself indispensable
The black banners
The eleventh day
The great degeneration
The life you can save
What money can’t buy
Empire: what ruling the world did to the British
Great negotiations
The case of the speluncean explorers
The rule of law
I am Malala
Everything you ever wanted to know about classical music but were too afraid to ask
Van Gogh : the Life
The swerve
Dial M for Murdoch
Les Miserables
Great expectations
Murder on the Orient Express
Heart of darkness and other tales
Nineteen eighty-four
Jubilee lines
Bring up the bodies
City of Bohane
When I die : lessons from the death zone
The unlikely pilgrimage of Harold Fry
Even the dogs
Almost English
Sarah’s key
MaddAddam : a novel
Too much happiness
Dear life : stories
All that I am
The book thief
The Luminaries
Shanghai girls : a novel
For whom the bell tolls
Second foundation
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
The round house
May we be forgiven
Mr g : a novel about the Creation
A tale for the time being
State of wonder
Emperor of all maladies
Hunger games trilogy
Night circus
Orphan master’s son
Song of Achilles
Teleportation accident
Tiger’s wife
Time keeper
Until I say good-bye
The intelligent investor: a book of practical counsel
Ideas And Opinions
A Presocratics Reader
The First Scientist
The Nicomachean Ethics
Metaphysics: A Very Short Introduction
The Meaning Of Life: A Very Short Introduction
Handbook Of Creativity
The Impulse Factor
Free Will: A Guide For The Perplexed
Free Will: A Very Short Introduction
Light From The East
Can You Believe In God And Evolution?
Myth: A Very Short Introduction
Religious Literacy
The Great Transformation
The Greek Myths: Vol.1
The Greek Myths: Vol.2
The Heart Of Understanding
What The Buddha Taught
A life without limits
What money can’t buy
Lean In: women work and the will to lead
On liberty
The case of the speluncean explorers
I am Malala
Everything you ever wanted to know about classical music but were too afraid to ask
Van Gogh : the Life
Dial M for Murdoch
Les Miserables
Great expectations
Murder on the Orient Express
Heart of darkness and other tales
Nineteen eighty-four
Jubilee lines
Bring up the bodies
City of Bohane
When I die : lessons from the death zone
The unlikely pilgrimage of Harold Fry
The design of everyday things
Introduction to public health
My stroke of insight
Darwin’s Origin of species
A Presocratics reader : selected fragments and testimonia
Against intellectual monopoly
Average is over : powering America beyond the age of the great stagnation
Better than normal : how what makes you different can make you exceptional
Blind to betrayal : why we fool ourselves, we aren’t being fooled
Bright-sided : how the relentless promotion of positive thinking has undermined America
Civilization : the West and the rest
Daring greatly : how the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead
Empire : what ruling the world did to the British
For whom the bell tolls
Freakonomics : a rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything
Free will : a guide for the perplexed
Free will : a very short introduction
Going to extremes : how like minds unite and divide
Great expectations
Great negotiations : agreements that changed the modern world
Heart of darkness and other tales
How to deliver a TED talk : secrets of the world’s most inspiring presentations
Ideas and opinions
Islam : the basics
Les Miserables
Metaphysics : a contemporary introduction
Metaphysics : a very short introduction
Murder on the Orient Express
Philosophy of science : a contemporary introduction
Philosophy of science : a very short introduction
Philosophy : the basics
Sarah’s key
Socrates : a very short introduction
The book thief
The emperor of all maladies : a biography of cancer
The first scientist : Anaximander and his legacy
The great degeneration : how institutions decay and economies die
The (honest) truth about dishonesty : how we lie to everyone–especially ourselves
The hunger games trilogy
The meaning of life : a very short introduction
The Nicomachean ethics
The righteous mind : why good people are divided by politics and religion
Truth or beauty : science and the quest for order
What I wish I knew when I was 20 : a crash course on making your place in the world
Wild : from lost to found on the Pacific Crest Trail
Against Intellectual Monopoly
An Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure
Better Than Normal : How What Makes You Different Can Make You Exceptional
Capital in the Twenty-First Century
China Patent Law Handbook : A Concise Reference Guide for Legal Professionals
Consciousness : A Very Short Introduction
Empire : What Ruling the World Did to the British
Forget a Mentor, Find a Sponsor : The New Way to Fast-Track Your Career
Great Negotiations : Agreements That Changed the Modern World
How to Deliver a TED Talk : Secrets of the World’s Most Inspiring Presentations
Ideas and Opinions
Justice : What’s the Right Thing to Do?
Lean in : Women, Work, and the Will to Lead
Making Yourself Indispensable : The Power of Personal Accountability
Out of Our Minds : Learning to Be Creative
Repositioning the Hong Kong Government : Social Foundations and Political Challenges
Representations of the Intellectual
Search Inside Yourself : Increase Productivity, Creativity and Happiness
Talk Like TED : The 9 Public Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds
The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty : How We Lie to Everyone–Especially Ourselves
The Impulse Factor : An Innovative Approach to Better Decision Making
The Rule of Law
Thinking, Fast and Slow
What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 : A Crash Course on Making Your Place in the World
What Money Can’t Buy : The Moral Limits of Markets
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